
Google Play eliminates recurring app subscription fees in accordance with the latest RBI decision


As new recurring payment rules come into effect in September this year from the Reserve Bank of India, Google will stop embarking on its Android Play Store.

Google announced in an e-mail to developers its free trials of software and all Consumer Communications and introductory pricing “so that ecosystem problem is solved.”

RBI has released a new auto-debit or recurrent transaction management system created by e-mandates or electronic mandates. A bank/card issuer’s electronic requirement is to debit a card or bank account every month for a certain amount to a particular merchant. They are used for premium payments, mutual fund investments, subscription programs, etc.


Without subscribing to an auto-debit subscription, customers cannot sign up for a free trial or take advantage of the initial price. Google said the latest payment policy would be implemented in May.

As users cannot create new e-mail mandates for recurrent applications in the Android Play store, at the end of each month, they have to re-subscribe.

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